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Dipping your toe in the water

Junior Learn-to-Row

Many of our current and past junior rowers have begun their rowing careers with one of our highly popular learn to row courses. Some of those participants have gone on to represent Great Britain, so what are you waiting for, sign up now!

We welcome beginners and novices ages 12-18. The course will cover basic water and boat safety, boat-handling skills, basic sculling technique and further development of existing sculling skills for those who have already had a taster. We aim to cover the British Rowing GoRow Level 1 syllabus, for some attendees we are able to cover levels 2 and 3. The emphasis is on fun and participation. Whilst the majority of the course is spent on the water, there will also be some land-based fitness training for rowing included, along with basic ergo technique and flexibility.

Our goal is to ensure participants have a fun and safe introduction to the exciting sport of rowing.

Our courses run during Easter, May and October half terms, some weekends and the Summer holidays. 

Participants are taught in small groups, typcially of four of five. Each days session lasts for around two hours, the first group starts at 13.30 and finishes at 15:30, the second group starts at 14:00, finishes at 16:00, the third group starts at 14:30 and so on.

Course Fees are:

  • Fours days – £240
  • Five days – £300

    If you would like more information please get in contact.

Dates for 2025

The Easter and May Half Term courses are
for for juniors who,at the time of the
course are in school year 8 or 9, and,
do not have a school rowing option


  • Monday 7th April to Friday 11th April


  • Tuesday 27th May to Friday 30th May

The Summer and Autumn courses are
for for juniors who,at the time of the
course, are at least rising year 8


  • Monday 21st July to Friday 25th July

  • Monday 28th July to Friday 1st August

  • Monday 4th August to Friday 8th August

  • Monday 11th August to Friday 15th August

  • Monday 18th August – Friday 22nd August 

The September Sunday and October Half Term courses are
for for juniors who,at the time of the
course are in school year 8 or 9, and,
do not have a school rowing option

September Sundays

  • Sunday 14th September – Sunday 12th October (five Sundays)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe?

You will be provided with a stabilised boat, and accompanied at all times by a launch. All of our coaches are DBS checked, first-aid and rescue qualified. If the weather or water conditions are too challenging we will run an indoor gym session. 

How long is the course?

The course runs from Monday to Friday, apart from bank holidays, for 2 hours including a short break in the middle. Day 1 is mostly spent on land, learning the rowing technique in the gym; the rules of the river and parts of the boat, before jumping in a boat for some confidence building exercises. Days 2-4 are spent mostly on the water, and the final day sees all of the graduates participate in an obstacle course and a series of races. 

What do I need to bring?

We ask that all participants come prepared with comfortable sports kit including trainers, a complete change of clothes and a towel in the event of a capsize, a waterproof top, a water bottle, suncream and a sun hat, and plenty of enthusiam!

How much does it cost?

The course costs £240 for a four day course (bank holiday weeks) or £300 for a five day course. Every participant is given a certificate at the end of the course with the BR GoRow achiveemnt level recorded. 

Cancellation Terms

If the course is cancelled by MRC an alternate date may be offered If this is not acceptable, the full fees will be refunded.

If a participant wishes to cancel, the full fess will be reimbursed if this happens at least four full weeks before the first day of the course, thereafter the course fees are non refundable.

What’s next?

On the last day of the course there will be an opportunity to speak to the coaches about the next steps to joining the MRC junior squad. You will also be given a leaflet with more information. Graduates may be invited to join the squad based on their performance during the course. 

Rowing is a sport, like many others, where skills develop over time. It is much easier for a new starter to join the J13s and progress through the squads than join in later years, although it is possible with a significant level of detemination and application.

My rower is a pupil at a Rowing School, can they take part?
We try to prioritse places on some of the the JLTR courses for juniors who attend a school where rowing is not offered as an option. Places on the Easter, May half term and Autumn courses will be preferentially offered to pupils of non-rowing schools. The summer courses are typically open to pupils of rowing and non-rowing schools. For those JLTR graduates who are interested in joining Marlow Rowing Club, please note that we limit each year group to a maximum of 10% of its members from schools where rowing is an option.