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Junior Learn To Row – Register

Junior Learn To Row - Registration

If you're interested in registering your child for a Marlow Junior Learn To Row Course, please compete this form.
You will need to create a user account before completing your application; this will allow you to login and update your details later, and ensures that we can answer your enquiry quickly.
For our data protection statement, see here and for our legal details see here.

This section is for the parent or guardian's details

This section covers your child's details
If you have difficulty adding your child's DOB here, please use the 'anything else box' and we'll fix it at our end
Please can you let us know which school your child will attend from this September on.

(1) I confirm that my child does not have any medical or physical condition or disability which would either preclude heavy exercise or put them at increased risk while rowing, and that they can swim at least 100 metres in light clothing.
(2) I understand that my child joining Marlow Rowing Club on a temporary course membership and will only row under supervision and will comply with any safety rules notified from time to time.
(3) I confirm that Marlow Rowing Club may process my personal data and my child's in accordance with its privacy policy.
(4) I confirm that I am the applicant or authorised to make these declarations on their behalf.

Thank you for your interest, one of our JLTR administrators will be in touch.
