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Our Club

The club is the sole rowing club on a beautiful stretch of the Thames that reaches from the iconic Marlow Bridge, heading upstream to Temple Lock, a distance of just over 2 Km.  Heading downstream through Marlow  lock, we can also use a longer stretch to Cookham, a reach of over 7Km which includes the Championship Marlow Long Distance Sculls Course.  The club is within easy walking distance of the Town Centre, a bustling hub with a great selection of shops, Cafes, bars and restaurants. Marlow station is on the main line to Maidenhead.


A major fire in late 2011 destroyed the  clubhouse and the majority of the club’s boats.  During the following year the fleet was replaced with a complete range of new Empachers to race in and WinTechs for the learner, developer and improver groups.  Since that time there has been a significant fund-raising drive and older boats have moved through the squads to be replaced by a complete range of Filippis. All the competitive squads now have a full range of new or nearly new shells, with plans in place to keep up the pace of renewal.  The non-racing section of the fleet is also in excellent condition, thanks for the most part, to our outstanding boatman, John Stephenson. The bookable fleet is regularly maintained and refurbished to make sure that all members can enjoy rowing in good quality shells.

Rebuilding the club allowed us to create an outstanding training space on the first floor. The Gym occupies all of the first floor river frontage with full length windows giving an unparalleled view of the river and town.  The gym is air conditioned, with three large training zones; one for weights, a second area for ergos and stationary bikes and the third, a large matted area with a series of TRX frames. 

The gym includes 28 Concept 2 ergometers, 3 Concept 2 erg bikes and watt bikes, 3 fully equipped weights cages, and a generous circuits and stretching space. All the equipment is the subject of the same maintenance and upgrade plan as the fleet to be sure that nothing comes between you and a great training session.

The Gym is often a summer home-from-home for the GB U23 squad as they prepare for themselves for local and International races.

The club is also home to a well equipped Pilates studio run by Karyn Miller-Hall of Infinite Pilates.


We appreciate that the journey can be more important than the destination. For our competitive squads, we believe that you need to show up, train hard and have fun. Without the balance you only get so far. For the recreational squads, we know that it is not just about the chance to take to the water in great surroundings, it is about the chance to meet and socialise with others. 

We have a healthy social scene with a range of events from that all important squad-catered second breakfast after an outing, through the monthly ‘One Club’ squad-hosted evenings  to the ‘dress to impress’ Club Supper and Burns Nights, there is something for everyone.

Probably the key factors in progressing your rowing development are your desire and the quality of the support you receive on the way.  We have taken time and trouble to surround our athletes with the best coaches around. From the day that you set foot in a boat for the first time through to that final conversation before the big race, the Marlow team are amongst the best in the sport.

We have a great cohort of volunteer coaches and, supplement their skills and efforts with professional coaches, particularly for our Championship squads. 

If you have in interest in joining up, call, email or come down and talk to us.

Beautiful Stretch Of River