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Please login if renewing your own membership..

Select your Membership and Racking

If you are logged in to the website, please only use this form for YOUR membership.

Memberships Price Sets

All racking is subject to availability and the racking conditions. Speak to the racking administrator if you have any queries.

One set of blades are included in the racking fee. If you wish to store an additional set, please select this option.

We anticipate fund raising in 2022-2023 will continue to be challenging. We still plan to continue our fleet renewals and upgrades as well as continuing to invest in the club and other pieces of necessary infrastructure. If you would like to make a donation to support the plans, it would be very welcome. We also have a gift aid option available.
Total Amount
Full Personal Details - Renewal
If registering a junior, this is the junior's DOB
If registering a junior, this is the junior's gender
Your main contact phone number - home or mobile as you prefer.
Your mobile phone number. If the same as your primary phone number, please repeat it.
Phone number of an emergency contact.
What is the relationship between you and your emergency contact.
Declarations by the application
  1. The applicant does not have any medical or physical condition or disability which would either preclude heavy exercise or put me at increased risk while rowing, and that I can swim at least 100 metres in light clothing
  2. The applicant has read, understands and will comply with:
    i) the MRC Safety Plan & MRC’s Safety Rules(including the circulation plan, the rowing/sculling proficiency scheme and the British Rowing “Row Safe” guidance)
    ii) MRC’s constitution, rules, conduct and disciplinary code as amended from time to time; and
    iii) MRC’s bylaws (as amended from time to time). All available at Club Rules
  3. The applicant is aware of MRC’s data protection policy (see website for details and your right to ask for copies of the information we hold) and consents to MRC processing their Personal Data as set out in that policy.  
  4. The applicant understands and accepts that in addition to complying with club safety rules they have a duty to take reasonable care and judge whether it is safe for them to go on the river in the prevailing conditions.
    NOTE: You should insure yourself (by British Rowing registration)
  5. The applicant understands and accepts that club membership brings responsibilities to help and support the club including an implied agreement to help with organising club events as directed by the organising teams.
  6. The applicant understands and accepts that they are responsible for the use of any club equipment and must report any damage to boats, equipment and facilities, and that they  shall be liable for the first Insurance Excess  of any repair costs incurred, and may be liable for other costs if the Committee deem such damage to be the result of negligence.
  7. I consent to Marlow Rowing Club, (MRC) using photographs and/or video recordings of me taken by MRC or by persons or organisations authorised by MRC for the purposes of coaching and to internally and externally promote the the club.  These images could be used in any media (existing or later created or made available) including print and digital media formats such as print publications, prospectuses, brochures, websites, e-marketing, posters, banners, advertising, film and social media. I understand that images on websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom and that some overseas countries may not provide the same level of protection to the rights of individuals as EU/UK legislation provides.   I understand that some images or recordings may be kept permanently once they are published.
     I agree that:
    1. I will not be paid a fee in respect of any use made of the photograph(s) and/or video recording(s) but have the opportunity of being involved in promoting MRC in the manner set out above;
    2. Copyright in the image(s) and/or video recordings will be retained by MRC; an
    3. MRC shall have the right to edit, modify, crop, add to or subtract from the photographs and/or video recordings at its entire discretion and without my approval.
JUNIOR/FAMILY MEMBERSHIP DECLARATIONS (to be completed by the Junior):
  1. I agree and have read, understood and will comply with the Conduct Disciplinary Process and Bullying Policy on the website at Download link
  2. I agree and have read, understood and will comply with the Fob Access Regulations as set out in the Fob Regulations for Juniors document located on the Club website at: Download link
  3. I  agree that my medical information or information about any sickness or injury I suffer will be passed to the parent, guardian or other contact listed in the club records.
  • As parent/legal guardian of the applicant, confirm that I have read and consent to the MRC Consent for Photography and Images of Children Download link
  • As parent/legal guardian of the applicant, I will comply with the club bylaws (website links as above) including the conduct and data protection policies in my dealings with the club, club volunteers or members or while volunteering.



Membership Declarations and Junior Info 2022 2023
If you have a disability or medical condition that is relevant to your rowing, please let us know.
JUNIORS/U23: Name of your school, college or University
If you have any additional information you want to give the Membership Secretary, including any links between you and another member please do so here.