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MRC is also open to those who just want to join to use the gym. 

The gym is primarily focussed on ergos (rowing machines), mats and weights, as you can see from these photographs.

We also have probably the best view from any gym in the area, over Marlow Bridge and the river.

Gym membership fees and a membership application form can be found on the Join page. Gym members can use the bar on the same basis as other members. Note that there is no coaching or supervision so you must know how to use the equipment safely. Members can access the gym 7 days per week (5:30am-11pm) by access fob, although the gym is restricted to Juniors only from 1600 to 1800 (Monday to Thursday) for priority is given to squads from 1800 to 2100 Monday to Thursday, and 7am – 11am on Saturday and Sunday. Weights, if used, must be lowered to the floor, not dropped.

Marlow Rowing Club is a private members club and club rules do not allow the use of Marlow Rowing Club equipment for the use of Personal Trainers engaged in paid training sessions without prior agreement. Please contact the Treasurer for more information.


Go-Row exercise classes are run at the club on Thursday mornings from 10am to 11am for all ages from 18 to 90+. 
The classes typically have short sessions on the rowing machines, these are operated at whatever power suits the fitness level of the user. In addition there are some general stretching and relaxation exercise.

Rowing machines provide good all round exercise with particular benefit for arms and legs. 

The classes are run by trained instructors using the main gym, which has a fabulous view of the river.

You will be trained to use the rowing machine and, if you wish to exercise more than once a week, there is the option of a weekday morning gym membership which includes exercise class fees. 

If you want to know more, please use the contact form.