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Recreational Squad

  • Squad Aspiration
    To provide a safe and sociable environment in which members can row or scull together. The Recreational squad is an un-coached group which is self-organised and has access to club bookable boats. It is for: graduates from Development squad, who have achieved independent competence; members of Senior or Masters squads for whom a coached, competitive programme is no longer attractive.
  • Watermanship Skills
    • Silver Sculling Proficiency Award (1x) to enter; Gold SPA (1x) attained within 12mths.* • Basic sweep ability (there may be an option to learn to sweep with a series of coached sessions) • Ability/willingness to bow-steer crew boats
  • Fitness
    There is no training programme, but members must be competent enough to cope with local conditions and be able to self-rescue.
  • Training Commitment
    Members can join in as much or as little as they wish with Rec squad activities.
  • Club Contribution
    Recreational squad members are expected to make a positive contribution to the running of the squad and the club, be that serving on the weekend breakfast rota, co-ordinating squad finances,driving trucks and trailers or volunteering at regattas
  • Entry
    All squad members will be required to meet the criteria above to be a member of the squad. In exceptional circumstances, the Captain may relax the criteria, eg if an experienced rower arrives from another club, she may be given a reasonable time to achieve Silver or Gold SPA (1x). Conversely, the Captain may decline entry to someone who, despite meeting the criteria, would not be an asset to the squad.
  • Pathways
    Learn to row Senior Development Squad Masters Squads
  • Coaching
    A self coached group