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traffic lights statusFlow falling water above 3

Young Vets

  • Squad Aspiration
    To win at ‘Championship level’ events, eg Tideway Heads, Henley Masters, National Masters, World Masters
  • Watermanship Skills
    • Progressing towards Gold Sculling Proficiency (1x)
    • Experienced sweep ability
    • Ability/willingness to bow-steer crew boats
  • Fitness
    Able to achieve 5k in (Men) 18:30 minutes on the ergo, age/weight adjusted (Women) TBC
  • Training Commitment
    Attendance at squad training at least 5x /week* including a weekly ergo submission.
    *Typically, in summer, this would include: Sunday on-the-water coached squad session, at least two other otw squad sessions plus an ergo submission; and in winter: Sunday otw-coached squad session, squad circuits and ergos, plus an ergo submission (with participation in group ergos encouraged).
  • Club Contribution
    YV squad members are expected to make a positive contribution to the running of the squad and the club, be that serving on the weekend breakfast rota, co-ordinating squad finances, driving trucks and trailers or volunteering at regattas.
  • Entry
    Entry to the squad is at the coach’s discretion and all squad members will be required to meet the criteria above to be selected for both training sessions and races. In exceptional circumstances, the criteria may be relaxed by the coach.
  • Pathways
    Masters Men / Women (MM)
    Senior Men / Women (SM)
    Experienced new recruits
  • Coaching
    Squad members make a contribution towards coaching fees in addition to their club membership.
Mike Parsonsphoto


Mike Parsons
Mike Parsons photo


Mike Parsons